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Intervention Charts

Intervention Induction of Labour

Birth International has created an indispensable Intervention chart suite for healthcare professionals navigating the complexities of childbirth. These charts deliver essential insights in a clear and straightforward format.

Diving into the Epidural Chart, we find a comprehensive visual guide that clarifies the epidural insertion procedure. It effectively shows how to administer an epidural and the precise location for needle insertion. Moreover, it details the physical changes a woman undergoes following an epidural, offering a thorough summary.

Moreover, the Fetal Monitoring Chart is a cornerstone resource covering external and internal fetal monitoring techniques. Its expansive A2 size enhances visibility, allowing healthcare professionals to quickly understand the nuances of fetal monitoring.

This chart provides clear visuals and informative annotations, arming practitioners with the vital knowledge needed for practical fetal assessment and management.

The Instrumental Birth Chart underscores the vital roles of forceps and vacuum suction cups in aiding childbirth. It is presented in A2 size and offers a detailed visual overview of instrumental delivery methods. The chart significantly boosts clinicians’ confidence in performing instrumental births by showing how to use these tools.

The Labour Induction Chart also spotlights four methods: Balloon catheter, Prostaglandins, ARM, and Syntocinon drip. It assists in making informed decisions during pregnancy, enhancing outcomes for both mother and child.

Finally, the Cascade of Intervention Chart is an in-depth guide detailing the interactions between obstetrical interventions and medications and their potential outcomes. This chart aids healthcare professionals in understanding childbirth more fully, aiming to minimise unnecessary interventions and protect the health of mothers and newborns.

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Intervention Charts