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Charts and Books

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Welcome to our Birth International Charts and Books collection. We bring together educational resources to guide and support expectant parents and healthcare professionals on the transformative journey of birth.

Our charts and books combine clear explanations with engaging illustrations. They help you understand the entire birthing process, from the start of labour to the moment of delivery. These resources are ideal for childbirth education classes, medical professionals, and anyone who wants to learn more about the miracle of life.

The Giving Birth Chart Set visually illustrates the second stages of labour, fostering a deeper connection between expectant parents and healthcare providers.

Desk Set Charts Pregnancy is a healthcare product that provides valuable information about foetal growth and development during each trimester, improving the quality of prenatal care.

Birth International Active Birth Charts help you understand the different stages of labour and delivery. They are easy to understand, with clear pictures and simple language. They’re great for expectant parents, healthcare professionals, and anyone else who wants to prepare for childbirth.

Preparing for Birth Mothers is a simple, concise guide to pregnancy, birth and your new baby. This book emphasises your involvement in birth and your active participation in labour. Many women want to be able to give birth using their ability and resources rather than being passive recipients of maternity care. You will only give birth to your baby once. Take your time to enjoy the discoveries of pregnancy and the richness that birth can bring to your life.

Check out our shop for a wide selection of charts and books. They are gateways to knowledge and understanding.

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Charts and Books Categories

Charts and Books


Desk Set Charts

Complete Desk Set Series

Original price was: $258.50.Current price is: $187.00.

Bags and Storage

Educator’s Small Kit Bag

Original price was: $16.50.Current price is: $8.80.

Childbirth Education Tear Pads

Active Birth Tear Pad


Active Birth Charts

Peanut Birth Ball Chart

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $11.00.